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Garima Jindal

Dr. Garima Jindal is originally from Delhi and completed her Bachelors and Masters in Chemistry from the University of Delhi. Subsequently, she moved to another metropolitan city, Mumbai to pursue her graduate studies in the group of Prof. Raghavan B. Sunoj at IIT Bombay. It was here that she was first amazed by the world of Computational Chemistry. After completing her graduate studies in 2015 she moved to University of Southern California, USA to work as a postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Arieh Warshel (Nobel Laureate in  Chemistry, 2013). She started her independent research career as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Organic Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in March 2019.


2009 - 2015

PhD, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India Advisor: Prof. Raghavan B. Sunoj

2007 - 2009

MSc, University of Delhi, India

2004 - 2007

BSc, Hindu College, University of Delhi, India

Professional Experience

2019 - present

Assistant Professor, Department of Organic Chemistry, IISc Bangalore

2015 - 2018

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Southern California, USA

Advisor: Prof. Arieh Warshel

Awards and Fellowships


Eli Lilly Outstanding Thesis Award


Department of Science and Technology-German Research Foundation (DST-DFG) award to participate in the 63rd Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates and Students


Prof. T. R. Seshadri Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)


Prof. G. B. V. Subramanian Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)


Prof. K. B. L. Mathur Gold Medal for standing first in M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)





M. K. Rastogi prize for standing first in in B.Sc. (Chemistry) at Hindu college

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Computational Chemistry Lab @ IISc

B213, New Chemical Sciences Building,

Indian Institute of Science, CV Raman Road, Bengaluru - 560012

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created by Anubhav and Ritwika

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